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Kundalini Rising
Somatic Experiencing of Holotropic Breathwork 

with Kimberly Lee & Jeffrey Warren
August 12 -18, 2024

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Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful approach to self-exploration and personal empowerment that relies on our innate inner wisdom and its capacity to move us toward wholeness.  Laying comfortably on a mat, each participant uses the power of their own breathe along with the loud evocative music to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Participants are encouraged to work with what authentically emerges, to lean in to the experience, to amplify it and express everything to its fullest extent.

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Somatic Experiencing® is a ​body-oriented therapy that helps resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma and release stuck patterns of fight, flight, or freeze to increase resilience ​and vitality.  Kundalini Yoga is a mystical and practical transportation system that enables you to enhance your health, energy and vitality. This ancient ten-body system empowers the practitioner with strong yogic sets, powerful pranayama, healing mantras and meditations. The combination of these modalities will support your ability to unlock your innate healing potential, transcend your dealt fate and consciously align with your chosen destiny.

The retreat will begin with supper on Monday August 12th and will end with breakfast on Sunday August 18th.

Photo of Top of Hill at Well Being Retreat Center, Tazewell, TN

About the Retreat

Check-in begins at 3:00 pm on Monday followed by 6:00 pm dinner and a 7:30 pm opening circle and sound bath. There will be kundalini yoga each morning at 7:00 am followed by a 8:30 am breakfast.


Class time is spent in various experiential somatic exercises, guided inquiry, movement lessons and conversation and talks. Each person will participate in 4 deeply powerful Holotropic Breathwork® sessions where you will breathe twice in your own deep journey and sit twice in the profound supportive role known as a sitter.

Registration will be limited to 18 people to provide a more personal experience.

Meals will be non-vegetarian (with a vegetarian option at each meal) and will be almost entirely gluten-free, mostly organic with lots of freshly prepared ingredients. The Cabins (but not the Cabinettes) have kitchenettes if you have special food needs to allow you to prepare your own supplementary food. 

Detailed information about the lodging facilities can be found HERE.

About Kimberly

Kim Lee is a Performance Psychologist, certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator, and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner with extensive training in somatic arts, Relational Bodywork and Somatic Education™ (BASE™), Integrative Psychedelic Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotionally Focused Individual and Family Therapy, and more. She loves learning, both for her own growth and to be better able to walk alongside her clients.   She believes the most important aspect to healing is building your trust in yourself and in your innate wisdom and ability to heal. More information on Kim and her offerings can be found at

About Jeffrey

Jeffrey Warren is an advanced healing arts practitioner and instructor trained in more than 20 modalities. He is a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Fire Walk Instructor, Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, Sound Healer and Shamanic Practitioner. Jeffrey is an instructor of ThetaHealing®, Integrated Energy Therapy® and Magnified Healing (LI-III), plus holds triple Reiki Master Teacher certificates in Usui/Holy Fire III, Kundalini Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Additionally, he is an Advanced Pranic Crystal Healer, certified in Melchizedek Method Level 5, Access Bars, and has trained in the Arcturian Healing Method® and BioGeomety®.


He has studied with global shamanic leaders and is a student of Sat Nam Rasayan.

Jeffrey is deeply committed to personal discovery, spiritual growth and conscious evolution through the healing and spiritual arts. Jeffrey offers personal healing sessions, dynamic workshops and energy therapy training to inspire his clients to activate their highest potential. A comprehensive list of Jeffrey's certifications & trainings can be found here.

Top of Hill with Two on Bench - Nov 2017 by Lee Smalley.jpg
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Register directly with Well Being Retreat Center for Tuition and Accommodations (meals & lodging) at the rates: shown below. 

Detailed information about lodging options can be found HERE. Well Being's Policies for Accommodation are found HERE.

Contact or at 423-626-9000 if you have questions about facilities or accommodations. 

Tuition for this event is included in the pricing below. Contact Kim at or text her at 865-299-1658 if you have any questions about the program.

To register for this retreat (both Tuition & Accommodations) please use the form below.

After you "Preview Your Submission," scroll again to bottom of page to "Continue to Payment." (The Payment screen takes a few seconds to appear.) Your registration is complete when payment is made.



GPS Address:  557 Narrows Road, Tazewell, TN  37879

Mailing Address:  376 Well Being Circle, Tazewell, TN  37879



Well Being Retreat Center offers spiritual, meditation, nature and yoga retreats. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting harmony with nature, wellness of body and peace of mind.

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