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Photo of Jim Newman

Non-Dual Retreat
with Jim Newman

May 22 - 26, 2025

Jim Newman has given talks on non-dualism internationally. This in-person, residential, four-day program will be a unique opportunity to inquire deeply. Meetings will have no agenda, list of topics or specific structure. Space is open for questions and discussion with Jim.


"Here and in the meetings, there will be an uncovering, revealing, pointing to the reality, that that experience of separation, that experience that I'm real, that there's something wrong and that I need to do something about it, is illusory. In reality, THIS is whole, this is complete. There's nothing missing, there's no real lack, there's no real need for anything to happen."


An sample of Jim's meetings may be found on YouTube HERE



Jim Newman's NON-DUALITY meetings share a mystery, a paradox. The paradox is that THIS, this appearance, isn't what it appears to be. It is and it isn't. It's no-thing being something. It's emptiness appearing as everything. It's unified appearing as divided or separated.  


Within this apparent paradox arises an experience. That experience is, that this appearance is happening to 'me'. That experience is not paradoxical; it feels very real. There's no space, no room, no possibility for the reality, that 'this' isn't happening to ‚me’. That experience of duality is dissatisfying. It's uncomfortable. Out of that experience arises the need to bring about a wholeness, to cover up the feeling that what is, isn't complete, to make the feeling that it's not okay - okay.


Out of that arises the need for good and bad and right and wrong. So this appearance then turns into ‚my life‘, and my life is the need to make 'this' better, 'this' good, to find out or to solve the problem of why I don't feel like it's okay, why I feel like something's wrong, why I feel like I need to seek, to find something else.


Here and in the meetings, there will be an uncovering, revealing, pointing to the reality, that that experience of separation, that experience that I'm real, that there's something wrong and that I need to do something about it, is illusory. In reality, THIS is whole, this is complete. There's nothing missing, there's no real lack, there's no real need for anything to happen.



Check in will be at 4 pm on Thursday May 22nd and the program will end by 2 p.m. on Monday May 26th. Meals will be non-vegetarian with a vegetarian option available at each meal. Meals will be freshly prepared, generally gluten-free and mostly organic. Meals include Thursday supper through Monday lunch. Teas, coffee & snacks provided throughout. Cabins (but not Cabinettes) have equipped kitchenettes if you have "special" foods you want to bring.

Registration for May 22 - 26, 2025 Jim Newman Retreat 

Register for this event with Well Being Retreat Center using the online form below.


Tuition and Accommodations (lodging, meals and snacks) for this 4-night retreat range from $685 to $1,075, depending on the lodging selected.


Well Being Retreat Center's Policies for Accommodations are here.


More information about Jim Newman may be found on his website HERE.


If you have any questions about lodging or Well Being Retreat Center facilities, please contact Patty:; Tel: 423-626-9000; Text: 408-510-0660

Please register with Well Being Retreat Center for Accommodations (lodging and meals) and Tuition using the form below:


After you "Preview Your Submission," scroll again to bottom of page to "Continue to Payment." (The Payment screen takes a few seconds to appear.) Your registration is complete when payment is made.

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