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"Freedom from Suffering"
a Weekend Retreat of Meditation and Inquiry
August 23 - 25, 2024

Photo of Don Oakey, Founding Director of Well Being Retreat Center, Tazewell, TN

Well Being Retreat Center is offering a weekend silent Retreat led by Don Oakley, author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," and his new book: "Empty Wisdom: The Subtle Art of Discovering What You Already Are" and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie.



Photo of Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Retreat Center in Tazewell, TN

This weekend retreat package includes lodging, supper when you arrive on Friday evening and lunch at the end of the retreat on Sunday. You will be responsible for providing meals for yourself on Saturday and for Sunday breakfast.  (All Cabins have kitchenettes. Drinks and snacks will be provided throughout.) 


There is also a Day-Long option (for Saturday) available. See details below.

"Life can certainly  include painful moments and challenging times. No doubt. But suffering happens when we tell ourselves stories about how things should be different than they are. These arguments with how life is appearing perpetuate because they seem so justified. "I know how life should be and this isn't it!" This weekend will be about finding an authentic means to come into alignment with Life."


The retreat will begin with check-in on Friday afternoon August 23rd and will end mid-day on Sunday August 25th.  Cost $195 per person including lodging, tuition, two full service meals, and coffee, teas and snacks throughout


For those only able to attend a day-long retreat, we are offering a Saturday only option for $50. Please plan to bring your own lunch. 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Please plan to attend the entire program.

Dining Room - Oct 2022 - Return to Indoors.jpg

About the Retreat


This retreat is a non-denominational opportunity to explore one’s own true nature – free from the everyday distractions and busyness of our lives. The retreat will include silent sittings, guided meditations, inquiry, and discourses by Don Oakley. 

Bnch at Top of Hill at Well Being Retreat Center

There will be opportunities for quiet walks around our 160 acre property, sitting by the scenic Powell River which surrounds the property for 2 1/2 miles, for exploration of Nature, or simply to rest. For those attending the full weekend program, you will be staying in one of our comfortable cabins. All event sessions will be at main Conference Building.

Misty Hills at Well Being Retreat center

Discourses and Guided Meditations

Don will be speaking Saturday morning on the topic "Freedom from Suffering." He will also be speaking Friday evening,  lead two guided meditations during the event and hold daily Q&A sessions.


Silent Sittings

Each period of silent sitting will be an opportunity to simply let everything be as it is – naturally and without effort. You may discover the awake spaciousness that is ever-present – that exists prior to (and during) any effort to control or manipulate our experience. 

Meals & Yogi Chores

For those attending the whole weekend, Well Being will provide supper when you arrive on Friday evening and lunch at the end of the retreat on Sunday. We will ask for volunteers to help with Yogi Chores (kitchen cleanup) after these two meals. You will be responsible to provide all meals on Saturday and for Sunday breakfast yourself. All the cabins have kitchenettes for this purpose. 



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Weekend Retreat: There is a $195 Registration Fee for this event.  This fee covers tuition, your lodging, housekeeping, Friday supper and Sunday lunch as well as drinks and snacks. You will be responsible for your remaining meals which can be prepared in the cabin kitchenettes. 


Saturday Only: $50. Please plan to provide your own lunch. Coffee, teas, and snacks will be provided.



We are located in Tazewell, Tennessee about an hour north of Knoxville. Click here for driving directions.


For those attending the full weekend, check-in will be between 4:00 and 6:00 pm on Friday August 23, 2024. 


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If you have questions, please contact Patty Bottari:; Tel: 423-626-9000; Text: 408-510-0660


Please register for this event with Well Being Retreat Center using the form below:

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