Well Being Foundation Directors
About the Foundation
The Well Being Retreat Center is located on a 160 acre site in Tazewell, Tennessee approximately one hour north of Knoxville in the Cumberland hills of Northeastern Tennessee. The land and all facilities are owned by Well Being Foundation. Well Being Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 private operating foundation founded in 1996.
Well Being Foundation is a non-denominational, non-affiliated organization. Its one and only location is in Tazewell, Tennessee.
Well Being Foundation has six Directors. Don Oakley is the Founder and Managing Director. Greg Winterowd, Patty Bottari, David Grein. Gary Hahn and Katherine Dreyer are the other Board Members.

Don Oakley, Founder, Managing Director & President
Don Oakley is the Founder Director and President of Well Being Foundation. Don was previously a Lieutenant in the US Army Corps of Engineers, President of two homeowner associations, on the Board of Directors of Adyashanti's Open Gate Sangha – a non-profit organization, and previously chaired the Powell River Tourism Committee of the Claiborne County Tourism Commission. Don is a licensed Civil Engineer in Washington state and majored in engineering at Princeton University. He is a retired homebuilder and home designer, an organic gardener, a swimmer, a kayaker, a meditation mentor, a public speaker, and is delightfully married to Patty Bottari. His books, "It's Time to Wake Up Now" and "Empty Wisdom: The Subtle Art of Discovering What You Already Are" are five-star rated books on Amazon. Samples of his is discourses are on his YouTube Channel.

Patty Bottari, Director & Vice-President
Patty Bottari, BSN has been a Registered Nurse employed by the University of Pennsylvania Hospital and Stanford University Hospital. More recently, she has worked for and travelled with Byron Katie (www.TheWork.org) and for Adyashanti (www.Adyashanti.org) as Director of Relations. Patty and Don were married in September 2008 and are the full-time on-site managers of the Well Being Retreat Center. Patty is from San Jose, California and has traveled extensively abroad and has served on the Claiborne County Tourism Commission. Don and Patty are the full-time, on-site Managers of Well Being Retreat Center.

Greg Winterowd, Director
Greg Winterowd is a Principal of the land use and environmental planning firm of Winterbrook Planning Services located in Portland, Oregon. Greg holds a Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning and has served as President of the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA). Greg spends much of his free time cross country skiing, hiking, traveling and canoeing. Greg is shown here relazing on the Powell River.

David Grein, Director
David Grein, J.D., LL.M is an Attorney-at-Law and Principal of the law firm of Paternoster Farnell and Grein, LLP in Portland, Oregon specializing in business and tax law. David is the Vice President for Legal Affairs for Well Being Foundation. He is married to his charming wife Julie and has three children.

Gary Hahn, Director
Gary Hahn is the founder and owner of Hahn and Associates, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, an environmental consulting company. He was also a long-time supporter and former Chair of SEVA Foundation, an international non-profit organization working with restoring eyesight in third world countries. (SEVA was founded by Ram Dass and others.)

Katherine Dreyer, Director
Katherine Dreyer is co-founder and co-author of ChiRunning and ChiWalking and ChiMarathon books, published by Simon & Schuster. She has taught the Chi programs at Omega, Kripalu, Esalen and all over the world. Prior to launching ChiLiving in 1999, she was president of New Hope Communications, the leading publishing company for the natural health industry. She started her career at Time Inc. and HBO. Katherine lives in Asheville, NC and loves being so close to Well Being Retreat Center and its many offerings.